Crowned Lemur (Eulemur coronatus) male on 'tsingy'. 'Tsingy' is limestone cast that is very sharp and ruggered. Ankarana Special Reserve. Northern MADAGASCAR.
They are sexually dichromatic and other than the black lemur this is the most obviously sexually dichromatic lemur species and is also the smallest member of the genus. They are medium sized lemurs that adopt horizontal body postures. Length 750-850mm and weight 2,5-1,8kg. They are usually diurnal but can be active during the night. They live in groups of 5 to 15 individuals that contain several adult males and females and offspring. The females tend to be dominant. Their home ranges are small and overlap with other groups. Although foraging occurs at all levels of the forest from the ground up to the canopy they appear to prefer the lower levels and understory. This probably reduces competition between the Sanford's brown lemur that usually occures in the same areas and feed in the upper levels. During dry and wet seasons fruit makes up their main diet. In the dry season flowers and young leaves are also taken.
They are predatored upon by fossa, crocodiles and large raptors.
DISTRIBUTION: Restricted to the northern tip of Madagascar including the National park of Montagne d'Ambre, Ankarana Special Reserve, Analamera Special Reserve and Daraina Protected area.
THREATS: Direct distruction of their habitat for agriculture and logging. They are hunted too.