Milne-Edward's sportive lemur (Lepilemur edwardsi) Ankarafantsika Nature Reserve. Western MADAGASCAR
HABITAT: Dry deciduous forest. This species is restricted to the west and north-west of Madagascar.
These are medium-sized nocturnal lemurs with long tails. Weight 600-800 grams. They cling vertically to tree trunks and jump large distances with their powerful hind legs. Tree holes are the preferred sleep sites where they can be seen during the day sunning themselves. They are usually found singularly but as many as 4 individuals can be found sharing large tree holes. They feed mostly on leaves, although some fruits, seeds and flowers are consumed. They have been observed taking moths.
THREATS: Habitat distruction from burning for more cattle pastures. Hunting in some areas.
STATUS: Threatened due to small range and the above threats.