Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris) Male. WILD
PHOTOGRAPHED IN: Serra da Bodoquena. Limestone elevated area which devides the Pantanal and the Cerrado. Mato Grosso do Sur Province. BRAZIL. South America. RANGE: South America, E of Andes from n colombia to s Brazil, n Argentina and Paraguay, including Amazonia and Orinoco tropical forest basins. They habit lowland rain forest and lower montaine forest from sea level to 1,700 meters (5,600 ft).
Over hunting by humans and forest destruction is causing their numbers to decline dramatically and they are now classified as near threatened. They are predictable as they use well defined paths to water, where they spend large amounts of time either fully submerged or mud-wallowing. They live on average of 30 years with the female giving birth on average of 1 young every two years. These are the heaviest wild land mammals in South America.