Spectacled Cobra (Naja naja)
Gujarat. INDIA
These snakes measure about 1,5 meters. They are extremely variable in colour and markings.
HABITAT & RANGE: Cobras have a varied habitat. They do not occur in arid deserts or in elevations above 1,800 meters but found in heavy jungles, open cultivated land and even populated areas where old masonry forms ideal refuge. Throughout Indian subcontient to southern China in the east, Philippines in the south as well as the Andamans and Sri Lanka.
They are usually non aggresive and often exceedingly timid but become aggresive if disturbed. Young are much for dangerous than adults and strike repeatedly with determination. When alarmed they adopt the well known pose with erect forebody and spread hood. The height to which the forebody is raised is approximately one-third of the total length of the snake. While standing erect it sways backwards and forewards, hissing in an explosive manner.
VENEMOUS and poison glands are active from birth.
Cobras feed on rats, frogs, toads and invetebrates eggs but will also take birds, lizards and other snakes - even cobras.
Cobras lay soft-shelled elongated eggs. The parents cohabit before pairing and one or both will guard the eggs and incubate.